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Available now!
15 May 2024

Open House
Available now! 15 May 2024
The D-PREP Way
The D-PREP Way

Life Skills

The D-PREP Life Skills curriculum is a distinct program developed by the school, encompassing four key areas: self understanding, social understanding, livelihood, and active citizenship. It is guided by the D-PREP vision elements of Dream, Discover, and Deliver, CO-CREATORS values, and life truths, which underpin each of these domains.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking serves as a problem-solving approach used by our students, fostering a creator’s mindset rather than a consumer’s. These skills enable them to conceive business ideas, innovate products or services, craft business plans, and identify methods to secure funding.

Reggio Emilia Inspired

We hold the belief that every child is a capable and naturally curious learner. The Light Studio is thoughtfully crafted with key elements of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, where teachers take on the role of observers, gaining valuable insights from children’s explorations.

Experiential Learning

Expeditionary learning ignites a student’s imagination and enthusiasm for learning. It serves as a potent model for instilling the courage and compassion required not just to dream of a better world but also to actively explore and contribute to our communities in order to bring this vision to life.


We emphasize fieldwork over traditional field trips. Fieldwork promotes deeper learning through immersive experiences, in contrast to the typically shorter and more recreational nature of traditional field trips.

Expeditionary Learning

Expeditionary learning sparks students’ imagination and a passion for acquiring knowledge. It serves as a compelling method for demonstrating the courage and compassion necessary not only to envision a better world but also to actively explore and contribute to the betterment of our communities, turning that vision into reality.

Unlock Your Child's Potential: Explore Our Curriculum & Connect with Admissions!

Get one-on-one support & tailored advice: Chat directly with our admissions team who will answer your specific questions about the curriculum and guide you through the enrollment process smoothly.