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15 May 2024

Open House
Available now! 15 May 2024
Health, Safety and Security
Health, Safety and Security

Student Health, Safety & Security

D-PREP International School places paramount importance on health, safety, and security to ensure a conducive learning environment. Rigorous illness management protocols are in place, including prompt response to health concerns, regular health check-ups, and clear communication with parents. Our school is committed to maintaining up-to-date policies and procedures to address various health scenarios, emphasizing prevention and timely intervention.

The safety and security system at Dprep International School is designed to provide a secure learning environment. This encompasses well-defined emergency response plans, trained staff for crisis situations, and continuous assessment and improvement of security measures. We prioritize a nurturing atmosphere, fostering not only academic growth but also the overall well-being of our students.

Health, Safety & Security at D-PREP

Personal identification (ID cards) should be worn and visible at all times when coming to the D-PREP campus to pick up children.

The security guards will supervise the safety of the students, the school and its environment during all school hours. The administration, principal, staff, faculty and maintenance people will be in charge of the observance of safety regulations. The teachers will supervise the safety of each child in their classrooms.

As a general reminder D-PREP offers these guidelines:

Unlock Your Child's Potential: Explore Our Curriculum & Connect with Admissions!

Get one-on-one support & tailored advice: Chat directly with our admissions team who will answer your specific questions about the curriculum and guide you through the enrollment process smoothly.