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15 May 2024

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Available now! 15 May 2024
Life Skills
Life Skills

The Four Domains in Life Skills

D-PREP – Life Skills Framework
The D-PREP Life Skills Framework is a unique approach to acquiring the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century. This framework contains four domains which are self-understanding, social understanding, livelihood, and active citizenship. Aside from academic excellence, we believe that students must be given the right tools and opportunities to fully realize their capabilities. The joy and success of co-creating together are far more meaningful and valuable than that of individual success alone. 

Understanding 4 Domains of Life skills

Self Understanding

Developing a positive attitude towards themselves and control over their behavior.

Social Understanding

Developing positive relationships with others, socially acceptable behavior and an understanding of how our actions impact on others.


Understanding social structures and business markets to develop effective collaboration and problem-solving skills. Students learn to turn their passions into a successful and sustainable lifestyle.

Active Citizenship

 Learning to use their gifts and skills to create a positive change for themselves and their communities through expeditions.

3 D-PREP Pillars support life skills Domain

Life Truth

Life Truths are statements that serve as our guiding principles in D-PREP. 

Dream. Discover. Deliver

We believe in every child’s potential and guide students to DREAM the impossible, DISCOVER theirpotential, and DELIVER change to the world.

D-PREP Co-Creator Values

The Co-Creator is a set of values that we teach students at D-PREP to help them become better citizens in the 21st century.

How we do it?

At the core of all learning is our life skills framework. This is where students also learn to develop the D-PREP
school values to support their character development.

Life skills

Mood meter

The mood meter is a tool that helps children recognize and name their emotions. A mood meter consists of emotions categorized into different colorful quadrants, each representing a set of feelings. By identifying their current emotions, children can better understand why they feel a certain way and respond accordingly.


At D-PREP, meditation is practiced to help students increase awareness of themselves and their surroundings. It also reduces stress, develops concentration, and improves emotional health.


Fieldwork is a crucial part of D-PREP’s life skills program. This activity lets students go beyond the four walls of the classroom and participate in real-life situations. 


Just like fieldwork, students leave their comfort zones and learn with local communities. Outbounds are overnight, immersive activities for older students, which help them gain a deeper understanding of the communities they are working with.

Community Service

Community service is similar to fieldwork but more catered towards older students, specifically in secondary school. Community service allows students to make a greater impact in their community and, at the same time, provides them with course credit. This year, the grade 9 and 10 students went to Wat Bueng Thong Lang School to monitor the new water filtration system installed using the money earned from fundraising. They also gave their time to teach English communication skills to the students at the school.

Fundraising activities and 

donation drives

One of the major projects that all grade levels do are fundraising activities and donation drives. One donation drive that happens annually is the Valentine’s bake sale every February. The money raised by the students from selling baked goods is donated to the charity of their choice. Last year, the grade 3 students donated the funds to Duang Pratheep Foundation, a foundation that helps the homeless in the Klong Toei area.



D-PREP’s Life Skills program aims to cultivate a community of students distinguished by their competence and empathy. Our educational approach is designed to foster resilience, enabling students to translate their passions into meaningful and sustainable vocations that contribute positively to both individuals and society at large. Above all, our students are driven by an unwavering passion for their pursuits, ensuring a dynamic and purpose-driven learning environment. 

The D-PREP Life Skills curriculum applies to all grades

The D-PREP Life Skills curriculum is tailored to suit students across all grade levels, ensuring a customized approach that aligns with their specific developmental stages and skill sets. Our commitment to nurturing students holistically is reflected in the integration of life skills into our lessons and community culture. 
D-PREP is inspired by the wisdom of King Rama 9, and we strongly embrace the philosophy of self-improvement as a pathway to contributing meaningfully to the community. Through our intentional curriculum, we empower students to excel academically and thrive as well-rounded individuals prepared to make positive impacts in their communities. 

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