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Available now!
15 May 2024

Open House
Available now! 15 May 2024
Grade 3 & 4 students visit Duang Prateep Foundation 

Grade 3 & 4 students visit Duang Prateep Foundation 

To provide students the opportunity to learn beyond the four corners of the classroom, the Grade 3 and 4 students visited the Duang Prateep Foundation to donate, spend the day with the children, and deeply understand society and how organizations work to protect children at risk. 

Before this visit, Ms.Prateep Ungsongtham, Founder of Duang Prateep Foundation, shared her experiences with the students and taught them about the daily difficulties that people living in poverty face. 

Ms. Prateep with Grade 3 and 4 students

The students were surprised to learn about these challenges especially when it came to accessing basic necessities like food, water, and shelter. This knowledge made them realize how fortunate they were and motivated them to take action. 

To help Duang Prateep Foundation, the students organized a bake sale to raise funds. The bake sale was a huge success, and with the money raised, they purchased toys to donate to Duang Prateep Foundation. 

Grade 3 bakesale
Grade 3 students selling drinks at the bakesale

The Grade 3 and 4 students were delighted to have the opportunity to help those in need. They felt empowered to contribute meaningfully and were excited to see the smiles on the faces of the children who received their donated toys. 

D-PREP students donating toys

Overall, the fieldwork and bake sale were valuable learning experiences for the students. D-PREP International School will continue to encourage the students to engage in activities that promote empathy, responsibility, and positive contributions to society.

Duang Prateep Foundation children with D-PREP students
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