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15 May 2024

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Available now! 15 May 2024
Empowering Students: D-PREP International School’s Student-Led Family Conference

Empowering Students: D-PREP International School’s Student-Led Family Conference

Nursery student sharing what she learned in class to her mother

Last January 26th, D-PREP International School held a student-led family conference (SLFC). This innovative approach to parent-teacher communication provides a platform for students to showcase their academic journey directly to their parents or guardians.

A Student-Led Family Conference, or SLFC, is an opportunity for students to take the reins and guide their parents through their educational experiences, sharing insights into their progress, strengths, weaknesses, and goals for improvement. Essentially, it’s a window into the student’s world within the school environment.

Middle School parents listening to their children's presentation in D-Lab
Kindergarten student, Plawan, showing his portfolio to his mother

For parents, the SLFC offers a unique glimpse into their child’s school life beyond what they may hear at the dinner table. It allows them to witness firsthand their child’s growth and development, both academically and personally, while fostering a deeper connection between home and school.

It’s natural for students to feel apprehensive about presenting to their parents in a formal setting. However, this experience is a valuable opportunity for them to hone their communication skills and build confidence in expressing themselves to those closest to them – their parents or guardians.

Middle School Student, Pipe, presenting about the coronavirus strain that caused the pandemic
Middle School student, Prim, discussing aquaponics project in technical elective class

At D-PREP, we recognize the importance of nurturing each student’s individuality and potential. Whether it’s through classroom presentations, extracurricular activities, or real-world engagements, we strive to empower our students to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new challenges.

Kindergarten student explaining what she learned in school to her parents
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